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Photo: Dave Chang
Sheffield folk festival 2008
Photo: Dave Chang Cath Photo: Alex Clayton Eoin Photo: Dave Chang Martin

Photo: Dave Chang skyhook at the Rock at
Maltby, july 2008
Photo: Dave Chang Martin & Cath, Sheffield folk festival Photo: Gerry Bates Spot the band, on the folk train in August 2006 Photo: Dave Chang skyhook studio portrait

Photo: Cape Breton anonymous! Even the whales like fiddle music in Cape Breton Photo: Cath James Martin and Eoin in the Weinachtsmarkt in Germany Photo: Mat Robson skyhook in the park again Photo: Cath James The moose of Moose Corner, allegedly

Photo: Dave Chang Eoin Photo: Dave Chang Cath Photo: Dave Chang Martin Photo: Ian MacMillan skyhook at Edinburgh folk club

Photo: Dave Chang Martin Photo: Ian MacMillan Eoin and Cath, Edinburgh folk club Photo: Dave Chang Eoin Photo: Alex Clayton Cath

Photo: Dave Chang "... and the giant's just a shadow on the wall"
Father's song - E. MacColl
Photo: Cath James "see you"? Photo: Dave Chang just for a change Photo: Cath James who wants some sausage?